
Daniel Coyle
The Culture Code

The Culture Code

The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups

by Daniel Coyle, 304 pages

Finished on 2nd of December, 2020
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Another book I’ve read based on a recommendation by my friend Laurie from Lower Hutt. I’ve been talking to him about my company and the challenges I’m having while growing the team, so he told me about The Culture Code. This was definitely a fun read with a bunch of good take-aways, but now I’m thinking a summary could have done just as well. Sure, you develop a better feel for all the points Coyle is making when reading through all the anecdotes and interviews with successful leaders like Ed Catmull from Pixar, but the book’s main argument can be distilled into just these three lessons. Thinking about it now, that was probably the whole point. Fair enough. The topic is how to best get a team of people to become a highly functioning and successful team. 

1. Build safety to make everyone feel comfortable in working together.
2. Share vulnerability to show no one needs to be perfect.
3. Establish purpose through a common goal and a clear path to get there.

How do you feel after reading this?

This helps me assess the quality of my writing and improve it.

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